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Saturday, November 9th, 2002 at Teratech in Rockville, MD
11 am - 1 pm

If you want to learn ColdFusion, this is the place to be.

CF101 is geared towards new ColdFusion users and non users.
This seminar is very basic and not intended for seasoned ColdFusion users!

What exactly is Macromedia ColdFusion Web Application Server? ColdFusion is a complete development and deployment platform. Fast and scalable, the proven technology in ColdFusion drives tens of thousands of enterprise and e-commerce applications in leading companies worldwide. But don't take our word for it, come check it out yourself at a special Maryland ColdFusion User Group CF101 seminar on Wednesday, September 18, 2002.

This special meeting is a direct result of the success of the Maryland CFUG and TeraTech's recently hosted CFUN-02 ColdFusion event. The surveys indicated that there was a group of people that attended to check out the excitement about ColdFusion but were interested in hearing more basic information. If you are new to ColdFusion or are just plain curious, this MDCFUG seminar is for you!

Crowd of CFers at Conference

Saturday, November 9, 2002
TeraTech, Inc.
12221 Parklawn Dr. Suite 200
Rockville, MD
11:00 AM


Seating is limited. You must register for this seminar at One TeraTech ColdFusion class and some other goodies will be raffled off to registered attendees. You must be present to win.

Presenting CF101 will be ColdFusion Instructor Michael Smith. As President of TeraTech, Michael teaches ColdFusion and Fusebox courses. He is a frequent contributor to the ColdFusion Developers Journal and Fusion Authority as well as a regular speaker at ColdFusion User Groups throughout the country.

CF101 is geared towards new ColdFusion users and non users. This two hour seminar is very basic and not intended for seasoned ColdFusion users! Please join Macromedia in thanking Michael Smith of TeraTech and the Maryland ColdFusion User Group for donating their time to the local ColdFusion community.

An MDCFUG and TeraTech Event
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