- I would like to map an access database w/o going through the CF server administrator but by possibly using the CFregistry tag and CFHTTP. Is this possible at all ?
- What CF functions seem to be least used and why?
- Say you have a 3-part application process (higher ed), thus 3 tables in a resulting database (they don't have to do all 3 parts at once). AFTER development of submissions, it's discovered that the client wants the application to be printable as a whole as if the submitter filled out a paper form (or as close to is as possible). How would you best go about this?
- How can I turn an XML packet into a ColdFusion Structure?
- How do i integrate with PeopleSoft
- Does Cold Fusion work with SAP
- Is CF planning to implement a system of keeping track of the users who are "currently logged in"?
Or is there already a way to authenticate someone and then to continuously know if they are still using the web application written in CF?
- When will CFTREE be upgraded to allow multiple selections?
- A discussion of approaches to content management systems (e.g., storing all content in a database vs. storing static html files in directories).
- How do I retrieve the value of a cookie which has '.' in its name. I can't #Evaluate("Cookie.jim.1")# because it fails. In general, I
have to put a special case when looping through the Cookie Collection to
ensure that the name doesn't have dots in it before I evaluate. This is
annoying because our routing hardware sets cookies which have dots in the
name and I can't stop using them.
- What is the most efficient way to locate the
number of instances of a substring in a larger string in Cold Fusion. For
instance in "Bob ran to the store and then ran down the isle and then ran
to the counter where his money ran out". How could I find in the most
efficient way possible the find the number of times the phrase 'ran'
- Maybe you can discuss using CFschedule to generate html static files.
We are going to be potentially using this strategy in a future project, and were
unable to successfully implement this in our
pre investigative work some months ago.
- Dear Experts,
I want to make my own Functions in ColdFusion? Can u show me how?
From Rif Kiamil
- How did Steve Nelson's Head get so big?
- We're running CF4.5 NTserver 4.0 SP6. When we use CFFILE
to upload a file, the file increases the size of coldfusion.exe and never
decreases, even after the file is written to the disk. After a few uploads
all of our 500megs of RAM is gone. Because ColdFusion 4.5 incorporates the latest version of SmartHeap, which
no longer returns unused memory to NT. Instead, memory is held, assuming
ColdFusion may reuse it in the near future. This causes problems with reading large files using CFFILE. Any suggestions?
- I'm looking for a content management system. What advice can you give for using ColdFusion to accomplish this task? I guess there is a build vs. buy question to consider as well. What companies offer off-the-shelf CF based Web Content Management Systems.
- Some consider insider buying of a company's stock a decent barometer of a company's future potential. When can we expect to see some insider buying at Allaire???
- Could you please send me exact steps for following kind of CF Installation.
1. My Web Server IIS (On NT Server) is on One machine
2. I want my CF Server to be installed on another Machine and the Web Server which is installed on First machine should refer to my second machine where my CF Server is installed. This second machine will also have Windows NT as operating System.
- How can I use recursive function in ColdFusion?
I have tried it out with
but it is not serving my requirement.
Let me know one more thing that can I write functions
under ColdFusion where serverside variables to be used.
- Can i display standard dialog boxes like file dialog ,print dialog ,color
dialog etc through Cold Fusion.If we can then can you please explain with
the help of code.
- I'd like to see is a comprehensive round-up of security issues -
issues with Allaire's advanced security, best practice for user logon
scripts, examples etc.
- ¿como puedo limitar el tamaño de un archivo con la tag cffile de coldfusion?
3 mb maximo. gracias
- Is it possible to check the size of a file being uploaded with cffile before it is actually uploaded instead of after? (file.filesize only checks after I think)
- how to call coldfusion file from java server pages?
or vice versa is possible
- do we have any cf function for file prinitng,
or what method we should use to print the files
- Print tag in coldfusion
- hi there,
I set up an application in CF 5 that is using session variables to distinguish users. Problem is when a bunch of people got on the system, the started to see each others information - in fact they started to get each others login ID profiles (ie 1 user ended up with the user profile of the person next door who actually kept his own profile). Basically, they should have been denied access to seeing any other info but their own.
Any ideas?
- how can I get informations about user(user plugin,os,browser type,number of user) visiting my site, in cold fusion?
- Can you let me know if CF and PeopleSoft can be intergrated.
- I have ColdFusion 5.0 installed on a WinMe machine with Apache 2.0.36 web server software. All Apache tests run correctly, and ColdFusion test files display in browser, too. But variables and ColdFusion files that I create do not seem to be processing through the ColdFusion server. Did I miss a step in the configuration process? Help!
- Would like to use to update a entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER and it doesn't work.
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE it works.
Do you have any idea why? Any suggestion would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
- How can I use recursive function in ColdFusion? I have tried it out with but it is not serving my requirement. Let me know one more thing that can I write functions under ColdFusion where serverside variables to be used.
- I'm trying to use the CFFILE Action="upload" to upload files, but I don't see how it would create a text field and browse function for peoploe to upload files?
- i could not install cold fusion 4.5 with apache on my machine which is windows xp
- i could not install cold fusion 4.5 with apache on my machine which is windows xp
- How do I get Cold Fusion to communicate with SAP
- How can I take an access to DATABASE within tag? Because I'd like to create my own functions having queries...
- how can we integrate cold fusion and sap
many thanks, in advance !
- Could you please send me exact steps for following kind of CF Installation. 1. My Web Server IIS (On NT Server) is on One machine 2. I want my CF Server to be installed on another Machine and the Web Server which is installed on First machine should refer to my second machine where my CF Server is installed. This second machine will also have Windows NT as operating System.
- Am getting error messages when trying to install Cold Fusion Express. First the message I was getting said there were two reasons why it couldn't install- either it couldn't install while web servers were running, and to quit all web servers and try again, or that it wasn't authorised to use the directory or something similar. Now I'm getting an error message saying not enough disk space - but that's not right at all. Please help me!
- How Ican print in coldfusin code not in javascript
- CFSchedule doesn't work while I used administrator interface. It can't generate any email.I used cfschedule and still, it doesn't work. I don't know what I am doing wrong. the Code looks like that, hopefully, it will help you out what my problem is:
- What is the most efficient way to locate the number of instances of a substring in a larger string in Cold Fusion. For instance in "Bob ran to the store and then ran down the isle and then ran to the counter where his money ran out". How could I find in the most efficient way possible the find the number of times the phrase 'ran' occured.
- Can you access(read) a user's HKEY_CURRENT_USER with CFREGISTRY.
- Since Cold Fusion isn't a standalone server, where can I find a list of servers its compatible with? I'm currently running Sambar and don't seem to find anything regarding its compatibility with Cold Fusion as much as I would like it to be compatible.
- How can we print the contents of a directory ? I have a directory on the web server and I want that the users should be able to print all the files in that directory by clicking a single button. Is it possible? Thanks in advance.
- I'd like to be able to check the contents of a directory using CFMX. Is there a way to look for, say, an image in a directory and if its found, to write code to display the image?
- is it possibel to write your own functions in cold fusion.Such as a function call is response to a event(click of a buttton,for example)
- I also could not install cold fusion express 4.5 with apache on my machine which is windows xp. ApacheModuleColdFusion.dll would not load as apache module.
- How we can get a directory structure using recursive function in cold fusion?
- What user is best to run cold fusion under the default of nobody or create a user like fusion and run under it? What are the security risks with nobody ?
- We are looping through a query and creating html files using CFFILE. Is there a more efficient way to create unique html files from our data. 640,000 records is taking about a day and a half to run.
- adsf
- How can I use Java object within my cold fusion page?
- how can energy actually be produced from cold fusion?is it in a similar way to nuclear fusion? what is the process ?
- Hi,
I am Preethi, working on cf applications. I need to read large files >
50mb in size and extract information from it. If it is fairly small
file, there is no problem. For parsing a large file, i am facing memory
Can you help me with this?
I found something useful in this link
but cld not find out where to store the class and java files.I did
store them in lib, java directories but it didnt seem to work.
Hoping to hear from u soon.
- we are getting a access denied problem when we want to delete or create a file from the application that is developed in coldfusion 5.0 though we have all the permissions on it. what may be the possible reasons behind this.
- How to call a ColdFusion Function from an
HTML Control
- Can anybody please let me know the steps to be followed to configure Apache 1.3 when we install Cold fusion 4.5 on Apache web server.
Much Thanks
- Is it possible to invoke a file or directory dialog from Cold fusion. I am am learning cold fusion now and the application that I am mainataining involves mostly file manipulation open and save.
- 1. Does Cold Fusion work with SAP
2. How do I get Cold Fusion to communicate with SAP
3. How can we integrate cold fusion and sap many thanks, in advance !
This question has been submitted 3 times before, but once again, How can one integrate ColdFusion with SAP. Many many thanks.