Fast Track to Fusebox

Fusebox Class
June 17th - 20th, 2002
Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner

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Writing applications is hard work. Fusebox can help you.
If you're ready to master Fusebox, this is the class for you. You'll learn about the new techniques in version 3 of Fusebox as you create a real-world Fusebox application during the four days of the class.
Class outline:
  1. Why Apps Fail: Understanding the Problem
  2. Wireframes: Getting the Most From "Face Time" with Decision Makers
  3. Prototyping: Finding Out What The Client Wants
  4. DevNotes: Journaling Requests, Changes, and Comments
  5. Fusebox Architecture: Better Application Development Through Reusable Modules
  6. Fusedocs: Rethinking Documentation
  7. More productive coding: Tuning the development environment
  8. Arrays & Structures
  9. State Management
  10. Exception Handling
  11. Fusebox Coding
    1. fuseactions
    2. exit fuseactions
    3. understanding circuits
    4. nested circuits
    5. nested layouts
    6. inheritance
    7. bubbling exceptions
    8. Query sims
    9. security
  12. Debugging and Testing
More details are at
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