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Macromedia MAX 2004

Sixth CF Underground Event
October 31st, 2004  10:00am - 5:00pm
New Orleans, LA



Ben Forta (tentative)
Ben Forta is Macromedia Inc.'s Senior Product Evangelist, and has over two decades of experience in the computer industry in product development, support, training, and marketing. Ben is the author of the best-selling ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit and its sequel Advanced ColdFusion Application Development, as well as books on SQL, JavaServer Pages, WAP, Windows development, and more. Over 1/2 million Ben Forta books have been printed in a dozen languages worldwide. Ben co-authored the official Macromedia ColdFusion training material, as well as the certification tests and Macromedia Press study guides for those tests, writes regular columns on ColdFusion and Internet development, and now spends a considerable amount of time lecturing and speaking on application development worldwide.

Shlomy Gantz
Shlomy Gantz is an independent technology and management consultant . He was formerly the co-founder and vice president of technology for CoreActive ACG., and Chief Developer for Melig, Ltd. He has over a decade of application development experience, and an extensive background in database development and project management. He has written articles and presented in conferences and various user groups. He was also the technical editor for "Mastering cold fusion 4.5".

Hal Helms
Hal Helms is a well-known speaker/writer/strategist on software development issues. Hal has a monthly column in "ColdFusion Developer's Journal" and has written and contributed to several books.
His latest book is "Discovering CFCs" available at techspedition.com. Hal holds training sessions on Java, ColdFusion, and software development processes. He is the author of the popular "Occasional Newsletter" series. For more information, contact him at [email protected] or see his website, halhelms.com.

Simon Horwith
Simon Horwith has been using ColdFusion since version 1.5. He is a Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion and Flash developer and is a Macromedia Certified Instructor. In addition to administering the CFDJ-List mail list and presenting at CFUGs, universities and colleges, and conferences around the world, Simon has been a contributing author of several books and technical papers. Simon also writes a monthly column and is one of two technical editors of ColdFusion Developers Journal. Simon is CTO at eTRILOGY, a small software development company in London, England. He may be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

Kai Konig
Starting 1997 with developing in Java and using the former Allaire technologies ColdFusion and JRun since 1999, Kai is now developing also Rich Internet Applications using technologies like Flash MX 2004 Professional and Flex.
Besides that he is supporting the Macromedia community with running a ColdFusion User Group (CFUG Nordwest) in Germany and blogging about MM-server technologies on Blog in Black (bloginblack.com)
In his role as a software architect at msg at.NET, a German Macromedia Premier Partner, Kai is responsible for the software and system architectures in a lot of customer projects over whole Europe.
Additionally Kai is serving as a speaker on several Macromedia-related conferences like MX Down Under, MAX Conference and CF_EUROPE and is regularly publishing reviews and technical articles in several German IT-magazines like "i'X", "Internet professional" and "MX Magazin".
Kai holds several Macromedia Developer Certifications and is a Macromedia Certified Instructor for the server curriculums ColdFusion and Flex.

Lucas Sherwood
Lucas Sherwood is one of Macromedia's Product Evangelists. He is also quite well known throughout the EMEA ColdFusion community for his rapid fire presentations on everything from Performance Tuning to CFScript. Lucas is also very active in the MMUG community, presenting at user group meetings when he is in town (any town!) as well as running a global diary for all MMUGs
Lucas joined Allaire's consulting services division several years ago where he was responsible for ensuring the success of many ColdFusion based projects around the world.
Lucas is a Certified ColdFusion Developer and currently holds the land speed record for a ColdFusion MX presentation.

Bogdan Ripa
As the CTO of InterAKT Online, Bogdan is primarily responsible of designing the company's product suite. He uses the international experience gathered in over 10 years of work in the IT field to create tools used by thousands of web developers around the world. A big adept of "text-only" programming at the beginning, he got involved in Rapid Application Development tools, and he can't imagine the world without Dreamweaver MX now.
Bogdan likes technical challenges and always wins, and his hands-on techniques proved to be very valuable for the company products. He loves to share his vision on web development and is always trying to optimize things (even if he knows about the "premature optimization that is the root of all evil").
Bogdan presented the company products together with Macromedia at various international conferences, and spends his free time doing JavaScript wizardry.
Find more about Bogdan's work at http://www.interaktonline.com/

Michael Smith
Michael Smith is President of TeraTech, a 14-year old Rockville, Maryland consulting company that specializes in web and database development. TeraTech has developed sophisticated data-driven web sites for a wide range of organizations, from corporations to government agencies. In addition to ColdFusion, the TeraTech staff also have extensive experience in SQL databases, ASP, HTML, Access, Foxpro, Visual Basic and more. Michael has been programming for over 20 years and has been coding in ColdFusion since version 1.5 six years ago. He has an MA and BA from Cambridge University, England and graduated in the top 10 of his year. Michael runs the Maryland ColdFusion User Group and organized three very successful CF events including CFUN-2k with 700 attendees. Michael volunteers at ByteBack, a non profit organization which provides computer training for unemployed and under-employed inner city residents. He also is a frequent contributor to Fusion Authority, the ColdFusion Developer Journal and the CPCUG monitor.

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