Charlie Arehart Jo Belyea-Doerrman Tim Buntel Raymond Camden Christian Cantrell Sandra Clark Joey Coleman Sean Corfield Robert Diamond Michael Dinowitz Steve Drucker David Epler Joseph Flanigan April Fleming Ben Forta Shlomy Gantz Mark Gorkin John Hamman Hal Helms Simon Horwith Larry Hull Jeff Houser Chafic Kazoun Matt Liotta Tom Muck Rey Muradaz Nate Nelson Samuel Neff Jeff Peters Bogdan Ripa Neil Ross Margarita Rozenfeld Stephen Shapiro Michael Smith Geoff Snowman Jeff Tapper Dave Watts
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Back To Interview list Michael Smith: Robert I am looking forward to your "CFDJ panel" again this year at CFUN. What do you like best about the panel? Robert Diamond: My favorite part of our yearly CFDJ panels is the audience interaction. I have the easy job, which is to throw questions at the experts that have come via e-mail in advance, but the truly fun part begins when we open the floor up to audience questions, and you *never* know what CF_Question is going to come up next! MS: What was the most unusual question you got from the audience? RD: Not so much unusual questions, just an always interesting mix of general questions, like the overall state of the ColdFusion world, and specific ones like an individual user's concerns. MS: So who is on the panel this year? RD: Hal Helms, Charlie Arehart, Michael Smith and Simon Horwith. We can cover questions on CFML, SQL, Fusebox, Mach-II, project management, new Macromedia products and more. MS: How can people submit questions? RD: We have set up a CFDJ question page at: http://www.cfconf.org/CFUN-04/questions.cfm and you can see questions already submitted at: http://www.cfconf.org/CFUN-04/questions_summary.cfm Or come to CFUN-04 and hand in the CFDJ panel form to the conference staff. MS: What about the CF-Doctor? Will he be asking questions too? RD: Yes, any questions that the CF-Doctor wants a second option on will be coming to the panel. So we have all bases covered. MS: Will there be any special offers on CFDJ subscriptions for CFUN attendees? RD: As with every year, we’ll be offering special discounts to CFUN attendees for both ColdFusion Developer’s Journal and MX Developer’s Journal. |