Note: You are not obligated to attend just one track. It
is your choice!
Stephen Shapiro
Presentation: SpeedInnovating™: Breakthrough Solutions at Breakneck Speed
In today's highly volatile business environment, innovation is a key competitive weapon. It gives you the ability
to adapt and evolve to meet changing market conditions and customer demands. The challenge is seeing the world
with fresh eyes in order to develop fresh solutions. The good news is, innovation is a talent we all had when we were
young. And we all have the capacity to relearn it...or technically, to unlearn the bad habits that stop it from surfacing.
SpeedInnovating™ is a proven approach for helping you develop breakthrough solutions in the shortest possible amount
of time.
Read Interview
Tim Buntel
CFDJ Panel: Hal Helms, Charlie Arehart, Michael Smith and Simon Horwith
Read Interview
Ben Forta
Presentation: Cool stuff that we can't discuss yet.
Read Interview
Ben Forta's summary
All presentations are now up. Download all presentations and code here (30 MB), or see individual sessions below.
Welcome to CF Read Interview
Horwith - Get an overview of the ColdFusion language CFML and
the power available to you. Whether you are coming from another programming
language or are new to programming this talk will get you up to speed on
the basics of programming in CF.
Pre-requisites: Just have an interest in learning about the absolute basics
of programming with ColdFusion.
Variables and Conditions Read Interview
Helms - Variables are at the heart of any CF program, but many
people are confused about the different scopes and how they should be used.
Learn about CF's data types, scopes and assignment rules. Then take a branch
into conditionals. Conditionals let your programs make decisions from simple
branching to more complex switch and logical comparisons, so that you can
build more complex web applications successfully. |
Loops Read Interview
Neil Ross - Looping is one of the most used features of any language
such as ColdFusion that lets you use data. Learn how to efficiently loop
over databases to produce dynamic content and how to do more general loops
including FOR, WHILE and LIST loops. We will cover looping over arrays and
displaying your results in an orderly way in this useful session.
Pre-requisites: Attend prior
Bootcamp sessions |
Database Read Interview
Arehart - Displaying data is one of the main tasks in most
ColdFusion programs. In this session we will cover the basics of database
access in CF, including how to setup a data source, how to create SQL queries
in CF, how to select data to display, options available to you when outputting
data and the basics of inserting and updating data. |
What's New in CFML Read Interview
Liotta - Recent years have seen significant changes to CFML
that many developers are still trying to get a grip on. From new language
constructs such as CFCs to support for the latest buzzwords XML and web
services, CFML is more powerful than ever. This presentation will provide
both an introduction to all the changes in the CFML language and a look
at how existing functionality has changed. If you are still using CF 5 or
earlier and are looking for the benefits of upgrading or you have already
upgraded and are trying to make sense of what's new then this presentation
might just be for you. |
CF Studio Tips Read Interview
Belyea-Doerman ColdFusion Studio (aka Homesite+ from Dreamweaver
MX) is the power tool of expert programmers. Learn how CF Studio can save
you time while coding with instant help, wizards and user defined keys and
code snippets. Learn what all those tabs do and some of the hidden features
in Studio. Then get under the hood to learn how to customize your copy of
CF Studio for extra programming power! |
Flash for CFers Read Interview
Cantrell - There's a lot of talk both from Macromedia and from
the community about Flash and Rich Internet Applications. Flash is not a
replacement for ColdFusion, but a great way extend and enhance your applications.
This session is an introduction to Flash application development specifically
for ColdFusion developers. Learn the basics of ActionScript 2.0 and how
to integrate Flash into your ColdFusion applications using both Flash Remoting
and web services.
Pre-requisites: Familiarity
with ColdFusion MX 6.1 and general understanding of ColdFusion components |
User Defined Functions
Belyea-Doerman You've heard the buzz, but now learn how easy
it is to write "User Defined Functions". Creating functions used to require
the use of <CFSCRIPT> and a comfort level working with script-style
syntax, but this is no longer the case. Tag-based UDFs can be written with
three new CFML tags introduced in CFMX. With this new ability, developers
have more reason then ever to learn how to create their own functions.
Working knowledge of CF. |
Security Read Interview
Liotta - Security is on everyone's mind these days and in this
session you will learn how to secure your CF applications from hackers.
We will cover how to protect your pages with login and members only controls,
the correct use of session and client variables, what to check when using
URL and FORM variables and other security concerns. |
CF Admin Read Interview
Nate Nelson - The ColdFusion Administrator
can be confusing to use - this session will explain all the features available
to you in the CF Admin and how to use them. Learn how you can improve your
CF performance and security via use of the administrator in this key session.
Pre-requisites: “Familiarity with ColdFusion MX is helpful, but this session would benefit anyone with interest in the administration capabilities of
CFMX.” |
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Deploying CFML on J2EE: Opportunities and Challenges Read Interview
Charlie Arehart - It's now possible to deploy CFML applications on a J2EE server. It's still CFML, but it can leverage many benefits both for developers, server administrators, and line of business managers. In this talk, Charlie will introduce and demonstrate the notion of deploying CFML on J2EE servers.
CFC Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks
Read Interview
Raymond Camden - This session will cover best practices of CFC development, as well as some
general tips and tricks. This session is best suited for an intermediate CF
developer, one who knows the syntax of CFCs but needs some guidence in how
best to use them and what traps to avoid.
Pre-requisites: - A basic understanding of ColdFusion CFCs. Just knowing the syntax should be enough |
Working with remote data Read Interview
Michael Dinowitz - Data is everywhere but not always on your
site. Getting that data onto your site can sometimes be a chore. This talk
will examine how to gather remote data, parse it and make use of it.
Examples will include google news alerts (through CFPOP), RSS feeds, page
grabs from ebay and more. |
XSLT for data manipulation Read Interview
April Fleming - Now that you've finally got those coveted XML packets.....what to do with
them...? For years with WDDX we deserialized our WDDX packets to ColdFusion
queries, and were off to the races. But now, with XML technology growing in
leaps in bounds we are often working with data from sources other than those
using WDDX format, or, which need to be marked up in a specialized format.
So how do we loop, group, and format? What if we need to change the data
from their format to ours? Enter XSLT, a powerful, XML based technology
giving us the ability to transform XML data of any kind into exactly what we
need. In this discussion we will cover the basics of XSLT, what it can do
for you, and how to use it. |
Oh Grow Up!: "kiddie scripter" to "software
architect" Read Interview
Simon Horwith - Are you bored with writing the same old code day-in and day-out? Are you
looking to make your skills more marketable? Ever wondered about the
difference between so-called "gurus" and everyone else? In this session,
Simon will explore the fundamental techniques in approach to designing and
developing applications that might mean the difference between being taken
for a "kiddie scripter" or a "software architect".
Pre-requisites: Familiarity with ColdFusion but everyone can benefit from this presentation. |
Integrating ColdFusion with Microsoft Office Read Interview
Samuel Neff - Microsoft Office is the standard office suite used by most organizations worldwide. With so much data in Word, Excel, and other formats, and with these applications being so prevalent, knowing how to read and write Office data from within ColdFusion can be invaluable. In this session, you'll explore six different methods of integrating Microsoft Office along with the pros and cons of each.
How to be a Guru Coder Read Interview
Michael Smith - What makes a smart coder? Is it brains or communications skills?
Does commenting matter to real programmers?
What tips can you learn to become a true programming guru?
In this session we will explore what makes a guru coder from the speakers 25 year's
of experience coding and with audience participation too. |
SQL Server Reporting Services Read Interview
Geoff Snowman - Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services provides an enterprise-ready information delivery platform for building, managing, and delivering data from operational and business intelligence systems. Because it's part of SQL Server, if you already have SQL Server in your organization, you can install Reporting Services on the same machine with no additional license fees. Reports can include data from a variety of Microsoft and 3rd party data sources and can be displayed in a variety of formats including freeform, tabular, crosstabs, and charts. Users may browse or search for specific reports and view a report using a browser or Office applications as well as subscribe to received reports on a scheduled or event-driven basis. This session will present an overview of Reporting Services, including basics of report authoring, management, and delivery. You'll also see how to create an application that uses a Cold Fusion front end and links to SQL Server Reporting Services to display reports.
CFMX XML tricks and traps Read Interview
Jeff Tapper - ColdFusion has powerful XML support: some of its power is made available by simple tags and functions, and some requires a little digging around. In this session, you'll learn how to read and write XML data, how to perform searches and apply transformations, and how to access the internal XML processing in ColdFusion for even more power.
Pre-requisites:Should be comfortable working with Structures and Arrays in CF.
Introduction to SQL Server 2000 Security Read Interview
Dave Watts - Learn how to configure and secure your SQL Server 2000, and how to prevent SQL injection attacks from your CF application.
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Managing ColdFusion Projects Read Interview
Gantz - How come the bugs never seem to end? How come my project
is always late? How come that pesky project manager doesn't just go away?
We'll explore practical real-life solutions to common ColdFusion project
problems. Learn techniques that will speed up your overall ColdFusion development
time. Geared toward the ColdFusion developer, by a ColdFusion developer,
Learn about some of the common mistakes ColdFusion programmers make and
how to avoid them. |
Entrepreneur Coaching Clinic Read Interview |
Margarita Rozenfeld - We may call ourselves business owners, consultants or entrepreneurs. We may have been in business for ten years, ten months or are just thinking about starting. We know full well how fun, exciting and rewarding being your own boss can be. At the same time, we face unique challenges, frustrations and responsibilities unknown by our employed colleagues and friends. Walk in with your business challenges, concerns and questions; walk away with ideas, solutions and clear actionable steps to charge ahead! This workshop is facilitated by business coach and YES!Circle Chief Visionary Margarita Rozenfeld.
Managing Project Conflict Read Interview
Gorkin - In a time and task-driven work environment, where
bosses may be very demanding, customer expectations may be unrealistic,
or colleagues may be passive or aggressive, frustration, feelings of anger
and conflict can add to a sense of stress and pressure. Have no fear, the
Stress Doc is here, to help you understand both the negative and constructive
sides of anger and conflict. And most important, to provide key communication
and active listening skills to help you defuse tense situations and to disarm
an aggressor. As those who saw him at last year's CFUN conference can attest,
the Stress Doc's programs involve dynamic presentation, creative and interactive
exercises and lively discussion. His presentations are thought-provoking,
inspiring and FUN!
Don't miss your appointment with the Stress Doc!
Participants will:
1. Discover the Four Faces of Anger
2. Learn to disarm a harsh critic
3. Learn how to defuse a power struggle
4. Use Assertive "I" over Blaming "You"Messages
5. Practice active listening and constructive engagement
6. Engage in a team building exercise that helps you express frustration
playfully and creatively while developing a wider perspective.
How NOT to Fusebox--Lessons from the Trenches Read Interview
Muradaz - Take ten developers of various skill levels and a
thousand code pages. Add in a novice management team, a gigantic, conflicting
and ever-mutating set of requirements, and incredibly short time frames.
Set pressure cooker on High. Serve Warm.
Sound like a recipe for disaster? It nearly was. The saving
grace for this ragtag army of coders was the use of the Fusebox methodology.
As a proof of the incredible robustness of FB, despite the fact that nearly
every development convention of the methodology was ignored, this team managed
to turn out working products on time and under budget, but it wasn't pretty.
Fortunately for you, Rey Muradaz took notes during this year-long
odyssey, and has gleaned a set of useful lessons for anyone engaged in a
team-based Fusebox project or process. Whether you're a team leader or one
of the code-grunts at the bottom of the heap, Rey will help you understand
how to effectively implement Fusebox in a team environment, while also pointing
out some of the major pitfalls to avoid, and how to keep smiling in the
direst of cirumstances.
If you're in a smooth-running shop, this presentation will give
you a sense of just how bad it could be (i.e., let you laugh at the pain
of others), and if you're feeling like one of the inmates in the asylum,
you can come and share your suffering. With any luck, you'll learn a few
things that will ease the pain.
Pre-requisites: An interest in learning how to effectively implement
Coldfusion/Fusebox development in a team environment. No previous
experience with FB is required. |
Mach II at Macromedia Read Interview
Corfield - Mach II is an Object-Oriented, MVC-based application
framework that implements the Event-Based Implicit Invocation Architecture.
Buzzword overload! This talk will briefly introduce the audience to Mach
II and then talk in more depth about Macromedia's real-world experience
with the framework.
Pre-requisites: Intermediate / Advanced CF (this is not a code-centric presentation but
people who are aware of CFCs will get more out of it than people who
Application Blueprinting Read Interview
Neil Ross - A developers job is much easier with the proper tools. One of the often overlooked or unused tools is
application blueprinting. This session will explain application blueprinting and use real world examples
using and e-process design and diagramming tool called Adalon to show you how taking the guess-work
out of the development phase of your project saves time and hair. |
Want to Succeed? Here's the One Thing
You Need Read Interview
Peters - Every developer spends a lot of time trying to find
the right combination of skills, project experience, and education to achieve
career goals. This session will reveal the one thing that you need in order
to succeed as a web developer. Code samples and cases will be provided.
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How disabled people use the web Read Interview
Hull - One of the most frequent questions in Web accessibility
is, "How do people with disabilities use the Web?" A video shows California
State University at Fresno faculty and student computer users with disabilities
demonstrating and discussing the tools they use and the problems they face
accessing the Web. The tools are
* Screen Magnification Software
* Screen Reader Software (JAWS and WindowEyes)
* Refreshable Braille Display
* Voice Recognition Software
Accessible Web design tips are included for each segment. Larry will address
issues not covered in the video; offer additional design tips; discuss problems
faced by users with cognitive disabilities; and provide suggestions (not
terribly technical) for making your Web sites more usable by everyone, not
just people with disabilities.
Pre-requisites: None, but
Web design experience is a plus |
CSS for Better Sites Read Interview
Clark - Creating Web Sites that separate content from presentation
using XHTML for Structural Markup and CSS for presentation (including positioning)
is the cutting edge technology for web development. In this presentation,
you will learn about:
- Cascading, Inheritance and Specificity
- DocType Sniffing or how to make sure browsers render your site in standards
- Multi-column page layouts - Stop using tables for layouts
- Explaining the box model and
- CSS Hacks
Pre-requisites: HTML and basic
knowledge of CSS |
HTML Markup for Accessibility You
Never Knew About Read Interview
Epler - Many of us began our web careers learning HTML, but
as we spent time learning new skills such as JavaScript, CSS and Server-Side
Scripting Languages such as ColdFusion, we never revisited HTML. The HTML
4.01 spec contains many tags and attributes that are directly connected
to Accessibility. Using these tags in structural markup makes our web pages
much more accessible to those with disabilities. In this talk, David Epler
will discuss these tags and attributes in HTML and the affect on accessibility
with an emphasis on creating accessible data tables.
Pre-requisites: Must have
knowledge of HTML |
Become an accessibility expert in 50 min
Read Interview
John Hamman - Accessibility is opening new doors for business opportunities in all online presences. See how it affects you and how your work and
business can accelerate into new levels. Learn the skills and ideas it takes to become an Accessibility expert and leave the competition
Basic understanding of HTML and a passion for excellence. |
Creating Accessible
Web Forms
Read Interview
Clark - One of the least applied areas in accessibility is
a way to easily create forms for the web that are usable by disabled customers.
Sandra Clark will discuss the usage of specific HTML tags that are applicable
to this problem, validation techniques and styling your forms with CSS to
achieve nicely designed, laid out forms which both maximize accessibility
by your disabled users and are both usable and pleasing to the eye for your
sighted users.
Pre-requisites: Must have
knowledge of HTML |
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Component Development in Flash MX
Read Interview
Kazoun - Flash MX 2004 introduces many new features for component
developers. Learn about the different steps required to build a component
in Flash MX 2004. The presentation will detail set-by-step how to set-up
and build a component, useful information for developing components, and
insight into the component development process.
Pre-requisites: Have used
Flash components (no need to for prior component development experience)
and AS2 experience helpful although not required |
Java for ColdFusion Programmers
Read Interview
Presentation 2
Helms - Java is the 800-lb gorilla that's waiting for you at
the end of the alley. The problem is that in order to get home, you have
to go through that alley. If you have heard/read about Java but are still
unclear over what the big deal is, this is the session for you. Instead
of buzzwords and marketing hype, we'll go through a simple application in
both ColdFusion and Java. See for yourself if Java is as scary as it's been
made out to be. You might just be pleasantly surprised... |
Building a ColdFusion CMS with Dreamweaver and the MX Kollection in less than 50 minutes Read Interview
Bogdan Ripa - Attending to this session, you will see how easy it is to use the MX Kollection
Dreamweaver Extensions from InterAKT to develop a fully-functional Content
Management System in less than 50 minutes. This is what Rapid Application
Development is all about.
Pre-requisites:Must have developed ColdFusion dynamic websites |
Fusebox in 40 or Fewer Read Interview
Jeff Peters
- Join Jeff Peters for a rapid introduction to the mechanics of Fusebox 4.
This session builds a fully functional application in 40 minutes or less.
If there is time left following the build, the floor will be open for
further Fusebox discussion. |
CF and .net
Read Interview
Snowman - Cold Fusion MX and Microsoft .NET both implement web services. This allows web applications written in Cold Fusion to use business logic running on the .NET Framework. Also, windows applications and web applications running on .NET can use business logic and data access code written in Cold Fusion. In this presentation, we'll take a look at the web services standards and see examples of interoperation in both directions using web services. |
Utilizing Web Services
Read Interview
Liotta - This presentation will cover all aspects of utilizing
web services with CFML. It will start with a quick introduction to the basics
of what web services are, how to use them from CFML, and problems you will
likely encounter. Most of the presentation however will focus on practical
issues developers will face when implementing web services with 3rd parties
that aren't using CFML. This will include sharing how to read WSDL to determine
the best way to consume a web service, creating web services with CFCs that
are interoperable with other platforms such as .NET, and techniques to get
around the shortcomings of CFML's built-in support for web services.
Pre-requisites: Understanding
of XML |
Flash Remoting Read Interview
Muck - Remoting is an efficient and rapid method of connecting
Rich Flash applications to powerful back-end systems. This session will
help you get a solid grasp of what Flash Remoting is, how ColdFusion and
Flash integrate, and what you should know as a ColdFusion developer. The
session will also cover practical tips on what works and what does not,
how you can make projects run more smoothly, and what advanced techniques
exist for building a more structured communication model with Remoting.
Previous experience in Flash is not required although beneficial. |
Fusebox and Outsourcing Read Interview
Hal Helms - For years, a wave of outsourcing has been building. That wave is now ready
to break over the heads of North American programmers. IT prognosticators,
The Gartner Group, estimate that within five years, fully one-half of U.S.
software jobs will be sent overseas. In this talk, Hal examines the
realities of outsourcing and provides four different strategies for survival
and explains how the Fusebox Lifecycle Process (FLiP) can be integral to
prospering in the midst of outsourcing. |
Leveraging Macromedia Flex and ColdFusion
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