Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart is CTO of New Atlanta Communications, providing CFML integration for J2EE and .NET. A regular speaker at developer conferences, seminars, and user groups worldwide, Charlie is appreciated for his depth of knowledge on CFML and related technologies as well his ability to communicate to both beginner and advanced developers.
He brought those skills to bear as co-author the
ColdFusion MX Bible, from Wiley, and he also serves as technical editor of ColdFusion
Developer's Journal magazine, where he is also a regular columnist. A MM certified
Advanced Developer and instructor, Charlie has worked with CFML since
1997 and in enterprise IT for nearly 20 years.
Read Charlie's Interview on Deploying CFML on J2EE
Read Charlie's Interview on Database
Jo Belyea-Doerrman
As a Web Applications Consultant, Jo Belyea-Doerrman designs, implements, integrates and manages Internet/Intranet projects for both commercial and government clients. She has over 6 years experience with Cold Fusion. Jo has
extensive experience as a Project Manager with international Content Management web sites. These projects have included dynamic web sites that deliver language specific content based on the users IP address.
Many may know her as a speaker at the Maryland CF User Group (MD-CFUG) and other developer conferences over the past three years. She frequently teaches Cold Fusion and other web development technologies to beginning through advanced users. Read Jo's Interview on CF Studio Tips
Tim Buntel
Tim Buntel is the product manager for Macromedia ColdFusion Server. In
addition to his role on the product team, he frequently lectures, teaches,
and writes about Macromedia technology.
Raymond Camden
Raymond Camden is a senior software engineer for Mindseye, Inc. A long time
ColdFusion user, Raymond is a
co-author of the "Mastering ColdFusion" series published by Sybex Inc, as
well as the lead author for the ColdFusion MX Developer's Handbook. He also
presents at numerous conferences and contributes to online webzines. He is a
contributor and technical editor of the ColdFusion Developer's Journal. He
and Rob Brooks-Bilson created and run the Common Function Library Project
(www.cflib.org), an open source repository of ColdFusion UDFs. Raymond has
helped form three ColdFusion User Groups and is the manager of the Acadiana
MMUG. You can reach him at [email protected].
Read Interview with Ray
Christian Cantrell
Christian Cantrell is the Macromedia Server Community Manager.
For the last four years, he has been integrating Macromedia Flash,
ColdFusion and Java into large-scale commercial applications. He is
currently in charge of all ColdFusion and Java content on the
Macromedia DevNet Resource Kit (DRK). Christain is co-author of Flash
Enabled (New Riders, 2002) and is a frequent presenter at Flashforward.
Blurb: I am going to be taking an objective look at ColdFusion MX,
comparing it to other web development technologies and discussing its
capabilities and future direction.
Read Interview with Christain
Sandra Clark
Sandra Clark, an advanced Macromedia Certified ColdFusion developer, is
a Senior Software Developer with the Constella Group in Bethesda,
She has contributed material to the ColdFusion 5.0 Certified Developer Study Guide published by Syngress Media/Osborne McGraw Hill and to the ColdFusion Developers Journal. She has also spoken at various CFUGS and ColdFusion User Conferences around the country.
Sandra is an active proponent of applying accepted and proven web standards to development as a way of improving accessibility as well as making life easier on developers. She can be reached at [email protected]
Read Sandy's Interview on Creating Accessible Web Forms
Read Sandy's Interview on CSS for Better Sites
Joey Coleman
Joey Coleman is the founder and Creative Principal of Blue J Marketing & Design. Blue J provides
imaginative ideas and imagery to clients throughout North America. Offerings include marketing
strategy consulting/coaching, creativity training, graphic design, brand identity building, and web
design. As a former attorney, Joey's clients benefit from his creative thought process as well as his
business and legal acumen.
Prior to starting Blue J, Joey practiced criminal defense law in Iowa, taught executive education
courses in Western Massachusetts, and served as Associate Director at the Corporate Executive Board
(NASDAQ: EXBD) where he was responsible for securing consulting engagements with clients
including Delta Airlines, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and Phillips Electronics N.A.
Joey has a juris doctorate from The George Washington University Law School and a bachelor’s
degree in government and international relations from the University of Notre Dame. He currently
serves on the George Washington University Law School Alumni Board and the Board of Directors for
the Washington Men’s Camerata.
Sean Corfield
Sean Corfield, Director of Architecture, Macromedia
Sean has worked in IT for over twenty years. He started out writing
database systems (in assembler) and compilers (in various languages,
including COBOL!) before moving into mobile telecoms and finally to the web about seven
years ago. Along the way, he worked on the ISO and ANSI
C++ Standards committees for eight years but then turned to Java (in
'97) and gave up C++, although he still maintains one of the textbook
reference websites: C++ - Beyond the ARM.
Sean is a staunch advocate of software standards and best practice,
having written C++ coding guidelines for several companies during the
90's and more recently maintaining the Macromedia ColdFusion MX Coding
Guidelines which are also published for the ColdFusion community. He
has also given several seminar talks, both in-house and publicly, on
these subjects.
Recently Sean has become a staunch advocate of Mach II.
Read Interview with Sean
Robert Diamond
Robert Diamond is vice president of information systems for SYS-CON Media, and editor-in-chief of both CFDJ and Wireless Business & Technology. Named
one of the "Top thirty magazine industry executives under the age of 30" in Folio magazine's November 2000 issue, Robert holds a BS degree in information management and technology from the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University.
Read Interview with Robert
Michael Dinowitz
Michael Dinowitz has been programming in ColdFusion since early 1995 and it doesn't look like
he's stopping any time soon. His accomplishments include: President and Head of RT&T (Research,
Training & TroubleShooting) at House of Fusion, a ColdFusion consulting shop; Hosting the high
volume CF-Talk list (as well as others) out of House of Fusion (www.houseoffusion.com);
Publishing Fusion Authority, the House of Fusion Technical Magazine (www.fusionauthority.com).
He has written articles for the above magazine as well as for many others. He has numerous
credits as co-author and/or technical editor of various ColdFusion and related technical books.
Whether it's researching the lowest levels of ColdFusion functionality or presenting to an
audience, Michael's passion for the language is clear to see. Outside of Macromedia, there are
few evangelists as dedicated to the spread of the language and the strengthening of the
Read Interview with Michael
Steve Drucker
Steve Drucker is the CEO of Fig Leaf Software
with offices in Washington DC and Atlanta GA. Fig Leaf is Macromedia Premier
Partner Company and Authorized Macromedia Training Center.
Steve founded the very first Cold Fusion users group in May 1996, co-authored the book "The Cold Fusion Web Database Construction Kit" 1st & 2nd Edition w/Ben Forta, frequently contributes to the "Cold Fusion Developers Journal Magazine", and is a certified Allaire instructor.
Dave Epler
David Epler, an advanced Macromedia Certified ColdFusion developer, is the
Senior ColdFusion Developer with Pepco Holdings, Inc., one of the largest
public utility companies in the Mid-Atlantic.
David credits his interest in accessibility to Sandra Clark, a fellow speaker and
ColdFusion Developer. Like her, he shares a passion for creating accessible web
sites through the proper use of HTML markup and application of web standards.
Read Interview with Dave
Joseph Flanigan
Joseph Flanigan's computer career spans 35 years. In 1995, he switched from Perl to ColdFusion for Web applications. By late 1999, his first ideas for the Switchbox framework started and were published as Switch-box.org in August 2000. Joseph is a member of the IEEE and ACM.
April Fleming
April Fleming has been developing ColdFusion Applications since 1997. The
majority of her work has been developing web-based applications for military
and educational institutions such as the Department of Defense, Air Force,
Navy, Army, and the University of Central Florida. April has also developed
both web and non web-based GIS applications for NASA at Kennedy Space Center
including a kiosk mapping station located in the NASA headquarters building.
April now works for Dixon Ticonderoga company where her work focuses on the
integration of web-based applications with legacy AS/400 systems and syncing
data internationally on the companies wide-area network. Over the years her
primary focus has been on distributed data technology using XML.
April has been active in the ColdFusion community over the past seven years.
She founded the Orlando ColdFusion user group in August 1999, and gave a
talk on WDDX Case Study: Building a Cross CFUG Search for the CFUN 2k in
July 2000. Read Interview with April
Ben Forta
Ben Forta is Macromedia Inc.'s Senior Product Evangelist, and has over two decades
of experience in the computer industry in product development, support, training,
and marketing. Ben is the author of the best-selling ColdFusion Web Application
Construction Kit and its sequel Advanced ColdFusion Application Development,
as well as books on SQL, JavaServer Pages, WAP, Windows development, and more.
Over 1/2 million Ben Forta books have been printed in a dozen languages worldwide.
Ben co-authored the official Macromedia ColdFusion training material, as well
as the certification tests and Macromedia Press study guides for those tests,
writes regular columns on ColdFusion and Internet development, and now spends
a considerable amount of time lecturing and speaking on application development
worldwide. Read Interview with Ben
Shlomy Gantz
Shlomy Gantz is an independent technology and management consultant . He was formerly the co-founder and vice president of technology for CoreActive ACG., and Chief Developer for Melig, Ltd.
He has over a decade of application development experience, and an extensive background in database development and project management. He has written articles and presented in conferences and various user groups. He was also the technical editor for "Mastering cold fusion 4.5".
Read Interview with Shlomy
Mark Gorkin
Mark Gorkin, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" , an international/Celebrity Cruise Lines speaker, psychotherapist, syndicated
writer and author of Practice Safe Stress: Healing and Laughing in the Face of Stress, Burnout & Depression. Recently
interviewed by BBC Radio, Mark is a "Motivational Humorist" for corporate, government, association, and non-profit clients. He
leads dynamic and interactive, inspiring, and fun programs on stress & burnout, managing anger and conflict, and team
building and organizational change. The Doc is also America Online's "Online Psychohumorist" (Keyword: Stress Doc). In
2003, the Doc received the National Association of Social Workers-Metro-DC Chapter's Social Work Entrepreneur Award. The
Doc runs his weekly "Shrink Rap and Group Chat" on AOL/Digital City DC Stress Chat. See his multi-award-winning, USA
Today Online "HotSite" -- www.stressdoc.com Stress Doc homepage (cited as workplace resource in a National Public Radio).
Finally, Mark is an advisor to The Bright Side -- www.the-bright-side.org -- a multi-award winning mental health resource.
Email for his monthly newsletter recently showcased on List-a-Day.com. For more info on the Doc's "Practice Safe Stress"
programs, email [email protected] or call 202-232-8662.
Read Interview with Mark
John Hamman
John Hamman is the President of iThink Designs, Inc., small private firm that specializes in enterprise accessibility, content
management, and information architecture. His skills of usability, information architecture, and design have helped fortune 500 companies
successfully market and accelerate in multiple medias. He has also participated on the creation of the internets fastest and highest
performance forum site at www.asp.net/forums and is currently working on developing a breakthrough Content Management Systems with
NET and XML technologies.
Read Interview with John
Hal Helms
Hal Helms is a well-known speaker/writer/strategist on software development issues. Hal has a monthly column in "ColdFusion Developer's Journal" and has written and contributed to several books. His latest book is "Discovering CFCs"
available at techspedition.com. Hal holds training sessions on Java, ColdFusion, and software development processes. He is the author of the popular "Occasional Newsletter" series. For more information, contact him at [email protected] or see his website, halhelms.com.
Read Hal's Interview on Fusebox and Outsourcing
Read Hal's Interview on Java for ColdFusion Programmers
Read Hal's Interview on Variables and Conditions
Simon Horwith
Simon Horwith has been using ColdFusion since version 1.5. He is a Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion and Flash developer and is a
Macromedia Certified Instructor. In addition to administering the CFDJ-List mail list and presenting at CFUGs, universities and colleges, and
conferences around the world, Simon has been a contributing author of several books and technical papers. Simon also writes a monthly column
and is one of two technical editors of ColdFusion Developers Journal. Simon is CTO at eTRILOGY, a small software development company in
London, England. He may be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Read Simon's Interview on Welcome to CF
Read Simon's Interview on Kiddie Scripters
Larry Hull
Larry Hull, NASA Accessibility Engineer, has worked in IT for thirty
eight years. He started out writing real-time satellite attitude and
orbit determination applications in assembler and Fortran before
moving on (sequentially not simultaneously) to other topics
including discrete event simulation, expert systems,
resource-constrained request-oriented activity scheduling and web
Larry is on the International Center for Disability Resources on the
Internet (ICDRI) Advisory Board http://www.icdri.org/about_us.htm
and is the instructor for Section 508 web and software training
courses at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He can be reached at
[email protected]
Read Interview with Larry
Jeff Houser
Jeffry Houser, the owner of a Connecticut based web consulting firm,
DotComIt, has been working with the Internet for over 8 years. He
with ColdFusion over 5 years ago and has written 3 books including
ColdFusion: The Complete Reference, which won a runner's up award for
book in the ColdFusion Developer's Journal's Reader's Choice Awards. He
currently writes the CF101 column for the ColdFusion Developer's
Journal. In his spare time he plays guitar and works as a recording
engineer for a lot of unknown bands.
Chafic Kazoun
Chafic Kazoun is a Senior Flash Developer at B-Line Express (http://www.blinex.com), a
Washington DC firm that specializes in
developing Rich Internet Applications. At B-Line Chafic manages, architects, and develops
applications and components. Chafic has
been actively involved in the Flash community and has presented at numerous conferences
including Flash Forward, MXDU, FlashintheCan
and CFUN. He has also contributed by writing tutorials for ultrashock.com and technical editing
for various books by O'Reilly
Publishing. He maintains a blog at http://www.rewindlife.com.
Read Interview with Chafic
Matt Liotta
Matt Liotta started his development career at the age of twelve by building C applications for faculty at Emory University. He built his first web page soon after the release of Mosaic 1.0. Excited by early web applications,
Matt saw the potential to replace legacy client server applications. At Emory University he built an enterprise calendaring system, the faculty poster project, a Y2K compliance tracking application, and a prototype for an
electronic research administration system. Since then he worked with an early ASP, Cignify, to build their transaction processing system for payroll time data.
Matt did consulting around San Francisco for companies such
as Williams Sonoma and Yipes Communications. Soon after, he built gMoney's Group Transaction System using an innovative XML messaging architecture that matches conceptually with the now popular web services paradigm. Later
at TeamToolz, he designed a highly secure and scalable network architecture to support N-tier transport agnostic distributed applications. He then went on to implement a cutting-edge content management system for DevX. He
is now President & CEO of Montara Software, which he founded recently.
Read Matt's Interview on "What's New in CFML"
Read Matt's Interview on "Security"
Read Matt's Interview on "Utilizing Web Services"
Tom Muck
Tom Muck is the author of Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide from O'Reilly and is also
co-author of several other Macromedia-related books including the latest, Dreamweaver MX
2004: The Complete Reference. He is an extensibility expert focused on the integration of
Macromedia products with ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, and other languages, applications, and
technologies. He also authors articles and speaks at conferences on this and related
As Senior Applications Developer for Integram in Northern Virginia, Tom develops back-end
applications for expedited, electronic communications. Tom also runs the Basic-UltraDev
site with co-author Ray West (www.basic-ultradev.com), is a founding member of Community
MX (www.communitymx.com), and runs the Flash-Remoting site (www.flash-remoting.com).
Read Interview with Tom
Rey Muradaz
Rey Muradaz is still attempting to short-circuit the reincarnation process by living several lives in the same lifetime. He has been, at various times and in no particular order, a dishwasher, a writer, a Wall St. analyst, a roast-beef-sandwich-maker, a workers' comp rep, a telemarketer (I was desperate), a legal advocate for Alzheimer's victims and their families, CTO of both a non-profit (still eking along) and a for-profit (sadly defunct) targeted at supporting senior citizens, and a proud husband and father.
He finally abandoned his efforts to whip a small cadre of City of Los Angeles contractors into the premier FB-coding team in the land (Fusebox Rules!), but he's turned the lessons learned into a useful presentation so your team can avoid making the same mistakes.
In his spare time (?), he keeps abreast of the ins and outs of intellectual property law, and crafts reasonably-priced, bullet-proof licenses and contracts for software developers.
Read Interview with Rey
Samuel Neff
Samuel Neff is a Senior Software Engineer with B-Line Express, a custom
software development company in Columbia, MD where he develops applications
in ColdFusion, Flash, Flex, Java, and C#. He is an active member of the
ColdFusion and Flash communities and a Team Macromedia Volunteer for
ColdFusion. Read Interview with Samuel
Nate Nelson
Nate Nelson is currently a Senior Software Developer for I*LEVEL, Inc., a software startup out of Englewood Colorado where he leads development efforts of a commercial software product. For the past 7 years, Nate has leveraged various technologies to develop ColdFusion eCommerce applications. He has worked with several non-profit organizations and commercial corporations to architect applications to address many diverse needs. Nate adopted the Fusebox methodology when it was introduced and now mentors other developers on its benefits when building large ColdFusion applications.
As an appointed member of the Denver ColdFusion User Group, Nate enjoys sharing knowledge and experiences with both experienced and new developers. You can reach him at [email protected]
Read Interview with Nate
Jeff Peters
Jeff Peters, author of "Fusebox: Developing ColdFusion Applications" and "Discovering
ColdFusion Lists, Arrays, and Structures", is a project manager and application architect based in Northern Virginia. After close to two decades in information systems, he still hasn't decided what he wants to be when he grows up.
Jeff can be contacted at [email protected].
Read Jeff's Interview on 'Want to Succeed?' Read Jeff's Interview on Fusebox 4 in 40 or less
Bogdan Ripa
As the CTO of InterAKT Online, Bogdan is primarily responsible of designing the company's product suite. He uses the
international experience gathered in over 10 years of work in the IT field to create tools used by thousands of web developers
around the world. A big adept of "text-only" programming at the beginning, he got involved in Rapid Application Development
tools, and he can't imagine the world without Dreamweaver MX now.
Bogdan likes technical challenges and always wins, and his hands-on techniques proved to be very valuable for the company
products. He loves to share his vision on web development and is always trying to optimize things (even if he knows about the
"premature optimization that is the root of all evil").
Bogdan presented the company products together with Macromedia at various international conferences, and spends his free
time doing JavaScript wizardry.
Find more about Bogdan's work at http://www.interaktonline.com/ Read Interview with Bogdan
Neil Ross
Neil Ross is the Application Development Manager for the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. In his
role there,
he uses his experience as a Certified ColdFusion MX Developer and ColdFusion Instructor to mentor and
lead development
efforts, provide architectural guidance and server configuration support.
Neil is co-author of Inside ColdFusion MX and is a frequent contributor to the ColdFusion Developer's
Journal and other
technical magazines. He is a regular speaker in the Macromedia User Community as well as at
developer conferences,
including Allaire's ColdFusion Developer's Conference 2000, CFUN and CFEurope in 2003. Neil
also founded and managed
ColdFusion and Macromedia User Groups in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Neil develops ColdFusion applications
and further
supports the ColdFusion community through his personal website Codesweeper, www.codesweeper.com. Read Neil's Interview on Loops Read Neil's Interview on Application Blueprinting
Margarita Rozenfeld
Success Coach Margarita Rozenfeld works with entrepreneurial organizations and individuals to create their BIG picture vision and a roadmap to success. Margarita coaches individuals and groups, facilitates organizational meetings and retreats, and leads experiential learning programs in personal and professional development. Her clients include business owners, executives, and organizations like the Foreign Service Institute, Teratech, Long & Foster, Oracle and COPE, Inc. In 2002 Margarita founded YES!Circle and in less than two years transformed it from a tiny support group for start-ups to a leading networking, advisory and educational organization in the D.C. area. Visit www.ofessence.com, www.yescircle.org or contact Margarita at 703-989-8016 or www.yescircle.org for more information and a complimentary consultation. Read Interview with Margarita
Steve Shapiro
Stephen Shapiro is the author of 24/7 Innovation (McGraw-Hill), and the founder of The 24/7 Innovation Group, a
management education and research organization concentrating on innovation and break-through thinking. Previously
he worked with Accenture for 15 years where he founded and led the firm’s Global Process Excellence Practice.
His articles have been published in over three-dozen newspapers and magazines including Investor's Business Daily and
USA Today magazine. He has been quoted in the New York Times, Industry Week, and Bill Gates's book, Business @ the
Speed of Thought. And this month he is featured in Unisys's Exec Magazine.
He is a frequent keynote speaker at large corporate events and industry conferences, presenting to thousands of
people every year. He is also a jazz saxophonist, a talent he sometimes uses to demonstrate creativity in his speeches
and presentations.
To learn more about Stephen visit his web site at http://www.24-7innovation.com Read Interview with Steve
Michael Smith
Michael Smith is President of TeraTech, a 14-year old Rockville, Maryland consulting company that specializes in web and database development. TeraTech has developed sophisticated data-driven web sites for a wide range of organizations, from corporations to government agencies. In addition to ColdFusion, the TeraTech staff also have extensive experience in SQL databases, ASP, HTML, Access, Foxpro, Visual Basic and more.Michael has been programming for over 20 years and has been coding in ColdFusion since version 1.5 six years ago. He has an MA and BA from Cambridge University, England and graduated in the top 10 of his year.
Michael runs the Maryland ColdFusion User Group and organized three very successful CF events including CFUN-2k with 700 attendees. Michael volunteers at ByteBack, a non profit organization which provides computer training for unemployed and under-employed inner city residents. He also is a frequent contributor to Fusion Authority, the ColdFusion Developer Journal and the CPCUG monitor. Read Interview with Michael
Geoff Snowman
Geoff Snowman is an architect evangelist with Microsoft's Mid-Atlantic District. Prior to joining the evangelism team, Geoff worked for Microsoft Consulting Services where he supported clients doing .NET development. Geoff's technical interests include .NET development, object-oriented programming, and XML-based programming.
Read Geoff's Interview on CF
and .Net
Read Geoff's Interview on SQL Server Reporting Services
Jeff Tapper
Jeff Tapper is the Chief Technologist for Tapper.net Consulting. He has worked
on a myriad of projects, for clients including Toys R Us, IBM, Allaire, Dow
Jones, American Express, M&T Bank, Verizon, and Allied Office Supplies, among
others. As a Macromedia Instructor, he is currently certified to teach all of
Macromedia's courses on ColdFusion and Flash development.
Jeff has been a member of the ColdFusion development community since 1995, and
has co-authored several books on Internet application development, including: "Allaire Spectra e-
Business Construction Kit," "Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion 5 Application
Development," "Dynamic Publishing with ColdFusion MX," "Actionscript 2.0
Dictionary," and most recently "Object Oriented Programming with ActionScript 2.0." He is
also a frequent speaker at Macromedia Development Conferences and user groups.
Jeff formed Tapper.net Consulting to focus on developing Rich Internet
Applications and empowering clients through mentoring.
Read Interview with Jeff
Dave Watts
Dave Watts, Chief Technology Officer, Fig Leaf Software
Dave founded Fig Leaf Software with Steve Drucker in 1992, and shares
Steve's vision of Fig Leaf Software as a world-class development and
training company. As Chief Technology Officer, Dave Watts drives the
technology vision and enhances Fig Leaf's competitive edge by developing the
company's best practices, covering server configuration, performance tuning,
application development, and application deployment.
Recognized as an expert in the ColdFusion community, Dave has been
developing browser-based applications with ColdFusion since version 1.5. He
coauthored the best-selling ColdFusion book, The ColdFusion Web Application
Construction Kit, first and second editions with Steve Drucker and Ben
Forta. Along with Steve Drucker, Dave co-founded the first ColdFusion Users'
Group in Washington, DC. He has been the most prolific poster on the CF-Talk
mailing list for the last several years, having answered several thousand
questions on ColdFusion and related topics. He regularly speaks at industry
events, such as Macromedia MAX, and writes articles for various trade
publications. As one of the first Macromedia-certified instructors, Dave
combines exceptional teaching with course development. He received a perfect
score on his ColdFusion MX Certification, and regularly pursues new
certifications in other areas of interest.
When not developing or teaching for Fig Leaf Software, Dave enjoys playing
with new gadgets and technologies. In addition, he has served as an expert
witness on IT and internet issues in Maryland's civil court system.
Read Interview with Dave
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